Greenhalgh,M. Ovenden,D. 2007 Zoetwaterleven Tirion 2010 Baarn
Translation (Bert Higler) of Freshwater Life, Britain and Northern Europe
Harper Collins 2007. Extensive guide with many species clearly depicted. Information about
the species and habitats.
Cuppen, J. 2005 Vijver, sloot en plas / gids voor de onderwaternatuur Tirion
Natuur 2005
(Not on my bookshelf).
Engelhard, W. 1960 Venen, plassen en poelen Thieme, 1989
Beautiful drawings and good informative descriptions of the groups
treated. Translation (by J. Huisenga) of:
Engelhard, W. 1959 Was lebt im Tümpel, Bach und Weiher? 6th print, Kosmos
1974 Stuttgart. (I have both the German and the Dutch
Bellmann, H. 2001 Tirion Insectengids Tirion 2001, Baarn
More than 1400 good color photos, including several of water
Vanheste, L., Claessens, L. Determinatie van zoetwater macro-invertebraten in
West-Vlaanderen dienst MiNaWa sectie natuur- en milieu educatie. feb 2018
A good identification key with a picture table and photos.
Meglitch, P. 1971 (1st edition: 1966) Invertebrate Zoology (2nd edition, 3rd print). Oxford University Inc. 1975
Siebelink, B., Caris, N. Verdonschot, P. Koeman en Bijkerk, Twisk, F. 2008 (STOWA)
Overzicht Natuurlijke Watertypen
STOWA-rapportnummer: 2005-08 ISBN 90.5773.2939
Retrieved 4 march 2010 from:
Handboek hydrobiologie - Biologisch onderzoek voor de ecologische beoordeling van
Nederlandse zoete en brakke oppervlaktewateren -STOWA 2010
Retrieved 12 march 2024 from:
(Below: the same black prefix as above)deel%203.pdf - Ondersteunende hoofdstukken. herzien%20Book-I.pdf - Deel I herzien%20Book-II.pdf - Deel II herzien%20Book-III.pdf - Deel III herzien%20Book-IV.pdf - Deel IV herzien%20h11a%20werkvoorschrift.pdf - Werkvoorschrift
Antiquarian bookstores:
Brauer, A. 1900-1909 Die Süsswasserfauna Deutschlands, eine Exkursionsfauna. Jena,
G. Fischer, 1909-12
Digital version, read on april 2024 a.o. days, from:
German. Very large (3000 pag.), divided in volumes on several groups of
Furneaux, W. 1928 Life in Ponds and Streams Longmans, Green & Co Ltd. London
Beautiful, pleasant old-fashioned book with good descriptions of plants
and animals in the ditch.
Heimans, E., Thijsse,J. 1895 In sloot en plas (Reeks "Van Vlinders,Bloemen en
Vogels") - Versluys Amsterdam 1895
Dutch. In the Netherlands this is a famous classic, many reprints.
Inspiring book with the fascinating narrative style that is typical of Heimans and Thijsse.
Recommended for every (Dutch speaking) beginner who has become interested in aquatic life.
Can still be found at antiquarian bookstores, the reprints use more modern Dutch and have
nicer images.
Heimans, E., Thijsse,J. 1896 Door het Rietland (Reeks "Van Vlinders,Bloemen
en Vogels - Versluys Amsterdam 1896
Dutch. Another beautiful book from the same authors. More about the
animals above the water.
Heijmans, E. 1912 Het Aquariumboekje (Bibliotheek van de Levende Natuur no 2). 2e
druk. 1923 W. Versluys Amsterdam
Dutch. Nostalgic booklet about keeping an aquarium, various animal
species and a fish identification table.
Heijmans, E., Thijsse,J. Verkade Albums "Lente" 72-79 en "Zomer"
Famous Dutch albums, in which picture cards had to be glued that came
with biscuits and cookies of the Verkade company. Originals and reprints available from
antiquarian bookstores. Inspiration for the background and structure of the pages of this
Lampert, K. 1910 Das Leben der Binnengewasser. Chr. Herm. Tauchnitz 1910 Leipzig.
Beautiful old book, with classic 𝔊𝔢𝔯𝔪𝔞𝔫
letters, drawings and fine colour plates, with transparant overlays.
Prud'Homme van Reine, W., 1941 Wat vind ik in Sloot en Plas. W.J. Thieme en
Cie, Zutphen 1941
Dutch. Somewhat dated field guide, but many clear drawings.
Postma, W.P., Ruting, J. 1958 Sloot en Plas in kleuren. (Meulenhoffs Natuurgidsen)
1958 Meulenhoff
Dutch translation of the Danish Hvad finder jeg i sø og så, G.
Mandahl-Barth 1957 Copenhagen. I don't have it, but:
Clegg, J. & Hon, F. 1963 Pond and Stream Life Reprint 1979 Blandford -
is the English translation, which I bought in Looe, Cornwall 23 july
Good color drawings. It helped me find some of the animals because I recognized them
straight away.
Schierbeek, A. 1963 Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (Serie: Helden van de Geest, 26.)
Kruseman, 1963 Den Haag.
Dutch. Description of life and work. With a few drawings.
Senden, L. 1933 Dramas en idyllen IN DEN VIJVER Dirix-van Riet/Standaard
Boekhandel 1933 Antwerpen/Brugge.
(Belgian) Dutch. Outdated, but entertaining with pleasant details of the
species treated.
Old, but beautiful books by the Danish professor Carl Wesenberg Lund
Wesenberg Lund,C., Storch, O. 1939 Biologie der Süsswassertiere (wirbellose Tiere)
Publisher: Verlag J. Springer, Berlin-Vienna 1939
Wesenberg Lund,C. 1943 Biologie der Süsswasserinsekten Publisher: Verlag J. Springer,
Berlin-Vienna 1943
The original versions of these 'ditch Bibles' are difficult to
obtain, but Springer now (2024) does have digitized versions available as a .pdf file and
soft-cover reprint: